Collarbone noun [ kóllər bōn ] (plural col·lar·bones) either of the two bones connecting the shoulder blades with the upper part of the breastbone
Funny bone noun elbow point
Sprain verb [ sprayn ] to injure a joint by a sudden twisting it
Daring adjective [ dérring ] risky, shocking
Insulting adjective [ in súlting ] being rude or insensitive
Sashimi noun [ saa shèemee ] a Japanese dish consisting of slices of raw fish
Hanukkah noun [ hàanəkə] Jewish festival
Allergic adjective [ ə lúrjik ] having allergy
Allergy noun [ állərjee ] sensitivity to something
Orphan noun [ áwrfən ] (plural or·phans) child without parents
Sink noun [ singk ] (plural sinks) basin for washing something
Prompt adjective [ prompt ] done immediately
Vitamin noun [ vī təmin ] (plural vi·ta·mins) organic substance important to food
Supplement noun [ súppləmənt ] (plural sup·ple·ments)
Currency noun [ kúrrənssee, kúr ənssee ] (plural cur·ren·cies) a system of money
Home Economics noun study of subjects related doing things in your home
Mannered adjective [ mánnərd ] behaving in particular way (well mannered = very polite)
Root canal noun (plural root ca·nals) a dentist removes diseased tissue from the root of a tooth
Rapid eye movement noun jerky movements of the eyeballs while asleep
Parlor noun [ páarlər ] (plural par·lors) a room used to provide particular services like a a beauty parlor
Pileup noun [ p ī l ùp ] (plural pile·ups) large-scale collision or accident
Freeway noun [ frèewày ] (plural free·ways) expressway or highway
Unimpressive adjective [ ùnnim préss iv ] not capable of impressing
Amateur noun [ ámmə tùr, ámmətər] (plural am·a·teurs) somebody who does something for pleasure rather than payment. (Antonym: professional)
Antonym noun [ ántənìm ] (plural an·to·nyms) word with opposite meaning
Die away verb diminish, fade or disappear slowly
Immortal adjective [ i máwrt'l ] never dying
Fad noun [ fad ] (plural fads) short-lived fashion or getting less popular over time
Cult noun [ kult ] (plural cults) something popular or fashionable in one group
Classic adjective [ klássik ] always fashionable and elegant
Elegant adjective [ élləgənt ] stylish and graceful, neat and simple
Print noun [ print ] (plural prints) writing on surface such as words, figures, or symbols
LED noun (plural LEDs) light-emitting diode (small lamps)
Coated adjective [ kṓtəd ] covered with a layer of something
Rumor noun [ r óo mər ] (plural ru·mors) a story without facts that may not be truth
Gay adjective [ gay ] (comparative gay·er, superlative gay·est) brightly colored, showing happiness, relating to attraction or activity among members of the same sex
Homosexual noun [ h ō mə sékshoo əl, h ō mō sékshoo əl ] somebody who is attracted to members of his or her own sex
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