Learning is a lifelong effort. "Consider a language ... language serves to describe a combination of colored squares on a surface. The squares form a complex like a chessboard. There are red, green, white and black squares. The words of the language are 'red', 'green', 'white', 'black', and a sentence is a series of these words. They describe an arrangement of squares in an order." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (20th century)

GEPT - Vocabulary List 3

dairy [ dérree ] adjective - relating to milk products

ATM (plural ATMs) noun - electronic cash machine

withdraw [ with dráw, with dráw ] verb - remove something

two-way adjective - moving in both directions

morose [ mə rss, maw rss ] adjective - miserable, bad, depressed

solar [ slər ] adjective - operating using energy from Sun

frown [ frown ] (verb) noun - a facial expression of unhappiness by wrinkling the brow

under the weather feeling a little sick

custodian [ kustdee ən ] (plural cus·to·di·ans) noun - somebody responsible for cleaning, especially of a school or other public building

license (short for license plate) noun - a thin flat piece of metal showing a number on a car

dry-cleaners noun - a business that cleans clothes

fender-bender noun - small accident

mystery [ místəree ] noun (plural mys·ter·ies)- a movie about a puzzling event, especially an unsolved crime

astrology [ əstrólləjee ] noun - study of planets and human behavior

astrometry [ əstrómmətree ] noun - the measurement of the real and apparent motions and the positions of plants

cardiopulmonary resuscitation noun - emergency technique to revive somebody whose heart has stopped beating

deoxyribonucleic acid [ dee òksee rībō noo klik ássid ] noun - DNA

depart [ dipaart ] verb - to leave

media [ meedeeə ] noun - television, newspapers, and radio

GEPT - Vocabulary List 2

trap [ trap ] noun (plural traps) something designed to catch animals

zoology [ zō ólləjee, zə wóləjee ] (plural zo·ol·o·gies)noun scientific study of animals

bar [ baar ]noun (plural bars) a length of metal, wood, or other solid material used as a fence to block

symbol [ símb'l ] (plural sym·bols) noun something that stands for something else

recycling [ ree s ī kling ] noun use a material again

wast [ wayst ] verb not using something

Hula-Hoop [hoolə-hoop] noun a plastic ring that people place around the waist and keep twirling by rhythmically moving the hips

video arcade [víddeeō aarkáyd] noun a place where people pay to play video games

aerobics [erbiks, ərbiks] noun exercises such as walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming that increasing breathing and heart rates

barbell [ baarbèl ] (plural bar·bells) noun a metal bar with removable weights at each end, used in weightlifting

mallet [ mállət ] (plural mal·lets) noun tool like a hammer

RPG noun (role-playing game) a computer or other game in which the participants imagine roles

pediatrician [peedee ə trísh’n] noun a doctor for children

debt [ det ] (plural debts) noun not having money or something owed

automatic [ àwtə máttik ] adjective working by itself

soar [ sawr ] verb increase rapidly

odds [ odz ] plural noun chances of something happening

rune [ roon ] (plural runes) noun old Germanic alphabet character

tune [ toon ] noun (plural tunes) simple melody

lune [ loon ] (plural lunes) noun a curved-shaped part of a plane

dune [ doon ] (plural dunes) noun hill of sand

idol [īd'l ] (plural i·dols) noun somebody or something greatly admired or loved

hero [ heerō ] (plural he·roes) noun really brave person

busboy [ búss bòy ] (plural bus·boys) noun somebody who clears away dishes, set tables, and assist the servers

spy [ spī ] noun (plural spies) somebody who seeks secret information

first aid [ furst ayd ] noun things you do for somebody who is ill or injured before medical help arrives

anniversary [ ànnə vúrssəree ] (plural an·ni·ver·sa·ries) noun a celebration the date of an important event

affair [ ə fér ] noun (plural af·fairs) a sexual relationship between two people not married to each other

pretend [ pri ténd ] verb act as if something were true