Learning is a lifelong effort. "Consider a language ... language serves to describe a combination of colored squares on a surface. The squares form a complex like a chessboard. There are red, green, white and black squares. The words of the language are 'red', 'green', 'white', 'black', and a sentence is a series of these words. They describe an arrangement of squares in an order." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (20th century)

GEPT - Vocabulary List 4

gas pump - [ gass pump] noun - a pump that draws gasoline from underground storage tanks

fume - [ fyoom ] noun – the gas or vapor produced that is unpleasant or harmful

avoid - [ əvóyd ] verb - not do something or prevent something

entitle - [ intīt'l, ent īt'l ] verb - to give somebody the right to have or to do something

expire - [ ikspīr ] verb - end or be no longer valid

utensil - [ yooténss'l ] (plural u·ten·sils) noun – a tool especially one used in a kitchen such as knife, fork or spoon

extinguisher - [ ik stínggwishər ] (plural ex·tin·guish·ers) noun - something that puts an end to something else such as a fire (fire extinguisher)

type - [ tīp ] verb – writing words using a computer keyboard, word processor, or typewriter

credit card (plural cred·it cards)- noun - a card issued by a bank that allows somebody to buy goods and services and pay for them later

cash [ kash ] – noun -money in the form of coins or bills

jasmine tea [ jázmin ] [ tee ] or jessamine tea [ jéssəmin ] [ tee ] –noun - a black tea flavored with jasmine blossoms

documentary - [ dòkyəméntəree ] noun (plural doc·u·men·ta·ries) a movie or TV program presenting facts and information

sitcom - [ sít kòm ] – noun- (plural sit·coms) situation comedy

slouch [ slowch ] – verb – to sit, stand, or walk in lazy way, with an awkward, drooping, excessively relaxed posture.

Timed certificate account – is time deposit that cannot be withdrawn before a date specified at the time of deposit.

starved [ staarvd ]- adjective - extremely hungry

mystical [ místik'l ]- adjective – beyond human understanding

phenomenon [ fənómmənòn, fənómmənən ]- noun - something that is out of the ordinary and excites people's interest and curiosity

pot roast [pot rōst ] (plural pot roasts) - noun - a dish consisting of a piece of beef cooked slowly in the oven in a closed pot in its own juices

consider [ kənsíddər ] – verb - to think carefully about something

cosmetic surgery [ koz méttik súrjəree ]- noun - surgery beautifying plastic surgery that is intended to improve the appearance of a part of the body and makes you look younger, e.g. the shape of the nose or the size of the breasts

Richter scale [ríktər skàyl ] - noun - scale for measuring earthquakes from 1 to 10 with a higher number showing stronger tremors or stronger earthquake.

Condom [ kóndəm, kúndəm ] (plural con·doms) - noun -a close-fitting rubber covering worn by a man over the penis during sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy or the spread of sexually transmitted disease

PTA - Parent-Teacher Association – a group that supports and speaks on behalf of children and youth in the schools