Learning is a lifelong effort. "Consider a language ... language serves to describe a combination of colored squares on a surface. The squares form a complex like a chessboard. There are red, green, white and black squares. The words of the language are 'red', 'green', 'white', 'black', and a sentence is a series of these words. They describe an arrangement of squares in an order." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (20th century)

The Flatmates episode 52 (including Video/Vocabulary)

Episode 52: The BBQ
Michal: Hi, come on in and have a drink. We're just firing up the barbecue.
Khalid: Oh, it's nice to see you outside the classroom my friend. Thanks for inviting me.
Helen: Oh it's lovely to meet you Khalid. Michal's told us all about you.
Tim: So, who's for the best grub over hot coals this summer?
All: Me! Yes please! Wonderful!
Alice: Drinks anyone? Can I get you a top-up Dr Laver?
Dr Laver: Oh come on. We've been working together for how long, looked after how many babies? I'm here at your party. Please, my name's Paul. And how about a dance before that drink?
Alice: Oh, OK!
John: Great party! Thanks so much for asking me.
Helen: Maybe it is time for us to patch it up. But I didn't invite you.
John: Well, here's a toast to the secret peace-maker.
Helen: I'll drink to that!

BBQ (abbreviation) - barbecue

a barbecue (noun) - a flat metal frame that is used to cook food over hot coals or an open fire, an outdoor meal or party at which food is cooked on a barbecue

to fire up something (verb) - to start (something) by lighting a fire, to cause (something) to start working

grub (informal noun) - food 

coal (noun) -  a black or brownish-black hard substance within the earth that is used as a fuel

a top-up (noun) -  an amount of liquid that is added to make something full, more of a drink, after having a first glass or cup of it

to patch it up (phrase) -  to make up after a fight or disagreement, to deal with (a problem, disagreement, etc.) in order to improve or repair a relationship

a toast (noun) - an occurrence in which words are said that honor someone, express good wishes, etc., and people take a drink to show that they agree with what has been said

secret   (adjective) - kept hidden from others : known to only a few people

a peace-maker (noun) - a person who helps to prevent or stop an argument, a fight, or a war

The Flatmates episode 51 (including Video/Vocabulary)

Episode 51: Summertime blues
Alice: It's nice to be back but I do miss the excitement of the World Cup. I'm bored!
Helen: Oh thanks very much!
Alice: I didn't mean you! I just mean it's a bit hard to come back to reality that's all.
Tim: Who says we have to? Why don't we do something to cheer ourselves up?
Alice: Like what?
Michal: Go to the pub.
Alice: No, it's too smoky.
Tim: Go to a nightclub.
Helen: It's too noisy.
Michal: How about going to the cinema?
Alice: There's nothing on I really want to see.
Michal: We could have a party.
Alice: What are we celebrating?
Michal: You know it's almost a year since I came to live here.
Tim: Perfect! We'll have our first anniversary party!

the blues (noun) - a feeling of sadness or depression, also a style of music that was created by African-Americans in the southern U.S. and that often expresses feelings of sadness

the excitement (noun) - a feeling of eager enthusiasm and interest, the state of being excited

the reality (noun) - the true situation that exists, the real situation, something that actually exists or happens, a real event, occurrence, situation, etc.

to cheer (verb) - to shout with joy, approval, or enthusiasm

to cheer (someone) up (verb) -  to become happier or to make (someone) happier

a pub (noun) - a building or room especially in Britain or Ireland where alcoholic drinks and often food are served

smoky (adjective) - filled with smoke, having a flavor, taste, or appearance of smoke, very attractive or sexy

a nightclub (noun)  -a place that is open at night, has music, dancing, or a show, and usually serves alcoholic drinks and food

noisy (adjective)  - full of loud or unpleasant noise, making a lot of loud or unpleasant noise

a cinema (noun) -  in British English: a movie theater

to celebrate (verb) -to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc.

an anniversary (noun) - a day that is exactly a year or a number of years after a particular event

a fancy-dress party (noun) - a party where people dress up in costumes (often dressed as famous people) 

The Flatmates episode 50 (including Video/Vocabulary)

Episode 50: Landing in London
crew 1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London. Please wait until the aircraft has come to a complete standstill before unfastening your seatbelts.
We would like to remind you that mobile phones must remain completely switched off until the seatbelt sign has been turned off.
Please remember that you can only smoke in designated areas once inside the terminal building.
Please take care when opening the overhead lockers as the contents may have moved during the flight and might fall out and injure you or your fellow passengers.
Thank you for flying with us and we look forward to seeing you onboard with us again soon.
crew 2: Excuse me madam, didn't you just hear the announcement?
Alice: I'm not phoning anyone I just want to see if I've got any messages.

a landing (noun) - an act of returning to the ground or another surface after a flight

an aircraft (noun) - a machine (such as an airplane or a helicopter) that flies through the air

complete  (adjective) -full, whole, perfect

a standstill (noun) - a state in which all activity or motion is stopped, a stop or an end

to unfasten (verb) - to make (something) loose, undo

a seat belt (noun) - a strap on a vehicle's seat that holds a person in the seat if there is an accident

to remind   (verb) - to make (someone) think about something again, to cause (someone) to remember

a mobile phone (noun)  - cell phone, a small telephone that people can take with them and use outside their homes

remain (verb) -  to continue to be something specified

designated (adjective) - officially choose, marked, shown, or represented

a designated area (noun) - a place that is signed for a particular purpose (for example, a designated smoking area)

a terminal building (noun) - the part of an airport where planes arrive or depart from 

overhead (adjective) - above someone's head, in the sky or space above someone

fellow (noun) - a member of a group of people who have shared interests, activities, etc.

a passenger (noun) - a person who is traveling from one place to another in a car, bus, train, ship, airplane, etc., and who is not driving or working on it

on-board (noun) - in or on an airplane, train, boat, etc.

an announcement (noun) - a written or spoken statement that tells people about something, public or formal words that announce something

a message (noun) - text information to or from a mobile phone 

to confiscate (verb) to take something away from someone as a punishment for doing something wrong

The Flatmates episode 49 (including Video/Vocabulary)

Episode 49: The quarter-finals
Tim: England are out! We lost on penalties again!
Alice: I'm gutted! I blame Rooney.
Tim: He didn't do nuffink!
Alice: How can you say that? We all saw what he did. The ref had to send him off.
Tim: I still say we was robbed. The ref was far too free and easy with that card.
Alice: You're just looking for a scapegoat.
Tim: No I'm not.
Alice: What about the manager, the skipper, the strikers? Don't you blame them?
Tim: Don't be so rational Alice. We're going back empty-handed and I can't stand it!
Alice: Oh cheer up Tim. We'll be home soon and you and Michal can commiserate with each other - England and Poland out of the World Cup again ... until next time!

the quarter-finals (noun) - one of four matches, games, or contests to decide the four people or teams that will continue playing in a competition (such as a tennis tournament)

a penalty (noun) - a punishment or disadvantage given to a team or player for breaking a rule in a game, punishment for breaking a rule or law

I'm gutted (informal) - I'm very disappointed

blame (verb) - to say or think that a person or thing is responsible for something bad that has happened

nuffink (slang) - nothing

ref (noun) - short for a referee in a game or sport

a referee   (noun) - a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
to send someone off (phrase)  - to sent a player off the field or kick a player out of the game for not acting according to the rules of a game or sport

a scapegoat (noun) - a person who is wrongly blamed when something goes wrong

a skipper (noun) - someone who leads a group, especially, the manager of a baseball team, the captain of a ship or boat

a striker (noun) - a forward in soccer, a worker who is on strike

rational  (adjective) - having the ability to reason or think about things clearly, based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings

empty-handed (adjective) - (often used when talking about competitions) not winning any prizes, without having, carrying, or bringing anything

I  can't stand it (phrase) - used to say that someone strongly dislikes a person or thing

cheer up (verb) - to become happier or to make (someone) happier

commiserate with someone (verb phrase) - show pity for someone's misfortune or bad luck