Learning is a lifelong effort. "Consider a language ... language serves to describe a combination of colored squares on a surface. The squares form a complex like a chessboard. There are red, green, white and black squares. The words of the language are 'red', 'green', 'white', 'black', and a sentence is a series of these words. They describe an arrangement of squares in an order." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (20th century)

The Flatmates episode Episode 2 (including Vocabulary and Phrases)

Episode 2: In the flat

Tim: Alice this is my cousin Michal - our new flatmate. He's really missing his friends.
Alice: Oh, Michal let me take your mind off that...So, where are you from?
Michal: From near Warsaw - the Polish capital.
Alice: Oh, what do you do?
Michal: I'm a guide tourist.
Alice: So interesting! Why are you visiting London?
Michal: To improve my English.
Alice: Oh, well, why not come out with us now? Then we can cheer you up and you can practise your English at the same time.

Vocabulary and Phrases:

phrase (n) - (often seen as phr.) a group of two or more words that express a single idea but do not usually form a complete sentence

(n) - the words that make up a language, words that are related to a particular subject

(n.) - (British English) a person who shares a flat with someone (American English) roommate - a person who shares a room, apartment, or house with someone else.

mind (n) - attention that is given to a person or thing, (take your mind off - try to relax, stop thinking about something)

where are you from (phr.) - where do you live or where is your hometown or country?

what do you do (phr.) - what is your job or occupation?

guide tourist (n.) - someone who shows the way by leading or advising

tour guide (n.) - a guide who leads others on a tour

travel agent (n.) - a person whose job is to help people who want to travel by buying plane tickets, making hotel reservations, etc.

improve (v.) - to become better or to make (something) better

cheer up someone (v. phr.) - to make (someone) more cheerful or happy

practise (British spelling) - practice (American spelling) (v.) - to do something again and again in order to become better at it

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