Learning is a lifelong effort. "Consider a language ... language serves to describe a combination of colored squares on a surface. The squares form a complex like a chessboard. There are red, green, white and black squares. The words of the language are 'red', 'green', 'white', 'black', and a sentence is a series of these words. They describe an arrangement of squares in an order." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (20th century)

Email, SMS, and Online Chat

For my students and anyone who like to learn some thinks used in the electronic text communication such as email, posting to online chat rooms and newsgroups, and SMS (Short Messaging Service) messages between mobile phones. This way you don't get confused if you suddenly see only letters or symbols ( as typically used for emotions representing a facial expression).
This lists are a courtesy of www.askoxford.com !

Some of the more established abbreviations used in all types of electronic communication are listed below:

@ at MOB mobile
AFAIK as far as I know MSG message
AFK away from the keyboard MYOB mind your own business
ASL age, sex, location NE1 anyone
ATB all the best NOYB none of your business
B be NO1 no one
BAK back at the keyboard OTOH on the other hand
BBL be back late(r) OIC oh I see
BCNU be seeing you PCM please call me
BFN bye for now PLS please
B4 before PPL people
BRB be right back R are
BTW by the way ROTF(L) rolling on the floor (laughing)
C see RUOK are you okay?
CUL8R see you later SIT stay in touch
F2F face to face SOM1 someone
F2T free to talk SPK speak
FWIW for what it¿s worth TTYL talk to you later
FYI for your information TX thanks
GAL get a life U you
GR8 great WAN2 want to
HAND have a nice day W/ with
H8 hate WKND weekend
HSIK how should I know? WU what's up?
HTH hope this helps X kiss
IANAL I am not a lawyer, but - (as a disclaimer) XLNT excellent
IMHO in my humble opinion XOXOX hugs and kisses
IMO in my opinion YMMV your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)
IOW in other words YR your
JIC just in case 2 to, too
JK just kidding 2DAY today
KIT keep in touch 2MORO tomorrow
KWIM know what I mean 2NITE tonight
L8R later 3SUM threesome
LOL lots of luck / laughing out loud 4 for

Emoticons typically represent a facial expression and are used chiefly to mark the tone of the preceding sentence or to indicate the writer's feelings. The following are some of the more commonly seen:

:-) happy (a 'smiley') :-( unhappy
:-D laughing :-|| angry
;-) winking; just kidding :-V shouting
:-* kiss |-O yawning
:-o surprised :-Q I don't understand
:-( frowning :-& tongue-tied
:-c very unhappy :-X my lips are sealed
X= fngers crossed :-P sticking one's tongue out
:'-( crying :-/ sceptical
:-| bored, indifferent :-Y aside comment

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