Learning is a lifelong effort. "Consider a language ... language serves to describe a combination of colored squares on a surface. The squares form a complex like a chessboard. There are red, green, white and black squares. The words of the language are 'red', 'green', 'white', 'black', and a sentence is a series of these words. They describe an arrangement of squares in an order." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (20th century)

What do these words mean 2.

Disenchant - is a verb and is pronounced [dìssən chánt]

It makes somebody stop believing that something or somebody is worthwhile, right, or deserving of support.

Ideology - is a noun and is pronounced [dee ólləjee, ìddee ólləjee]

It is a set of beliefs, values, and opinions that shapes the way a person or a group such as a social class thinks, acts, and understands the world.

Chinese: 意識形態

Oversight - is a noun and is pronounced [ vər sīt ]

It is the responsibility of supervising something or a mistake, especially as a result of a failure to do or notice something.

Chinese: 監督

Unilateral - is an adjective and is pronounced [ yoònə láttərəl ]

Something that is decided or acted on, by only one involved party or nation irrespective of what the others do and having only one side.

Chinese: 單側

Pendulum - is a noun and is pronounced [ pénjələm, péndyələm ]

It is a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely back and forth under the influence of gravity.

Chinese: 鐘擺

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